Sister organisation in UC San Diego launch covid-19 research

The University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) and the Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation (FLRF) are working in partnership to launch critical research into breastmilk and COVID-19. 

UC San Diego, in collaboration with others and supported by a CHF 100,000 donation from FLRF, is activating an immediate investigation into the safety and protective functions of breastmilk, addressing two critical questions: 

• Is COVID-19 transmitted via breastmilk?
• Can breastmilk protect infants from COVID-19? 

The FLRF donation is a first step, helping scientists mobilise immediately to generate critical data that could round out current guidance from global health organisations.

FLRF hopes its example will also inspire others to contribute much needed funds without delay. 

Further details can be found in a joint press release on the FLRF website.

LinksEmma Newcombe