
juho asteljoki

Visiting Erasmus Student Mar-DEC 2020

I am a biomedical undergraduate from Finland conducting laboratory-based research at LRF OCEHL as an Erasmus student. 

My keen research interest is molecular endocrinology of reproduction. Previously, I worked for two years at the University of Turku while carrying out my undergraduate studies, where I researched male fertility focusing on RNA regulation of spermatogenesis. I am familiar with many lab techniques and I spend most of my time in the lab running experiments. I am also developing my bioinformatics skills, particularly in RNA sequencing data analysis. 

Whilst at LRF OCEHL I have been mainly working on assessing expression of hormones and hormone receptor in the mammary gland. This involved in silico analyses of RNA sequencing datasets of mammary tissue from various species. In addition, I have been conducting experiments on cultured human mammary epithelial cells, including immunofluorescence stainings, western blots and RT-qPCR. I have also been involved in designing various upcoming projects.